Implementation of Spiritual Counseling-Based Mental Revolution towards the Formation of FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, Tabligh [Smart, Trustworthy, Honest, and communicative]) Character Generation at MTs Ribatul Muta’allimin in Pekalongan
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Character is one important aspect for human success in the future. Strong character can be formed, one of which is through the educational process in educational units. One of the problems in education in Indonesia today is that educational objectives are
not achieved as expected which resulted moral crises. To overcome the moral crisis, a mental revolution must be carried out as a national movement and a collective effort to change Indonesia towards an advanced nation. One of the implementations of the mental revolution is the formation of a generation with FAST characters (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, Tabliqh [Smart, Trustworthy, Honest, and Communicative]) which is carried out through the Islamic education institution MTs Ribatul Muta'allimin at Pekalongan. One of the problem-solving efforts made by the counseling teacher for groups of students who have not shown FAST character is through the provision of spiritual counseling services. The provision of spiritual counseling services is expected to form a generation with FAST characters and encourage successful implementation of a mental revolution towards the formation of a generation with FAST characters (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, Tabligh [Smart, Trustworthy, Honest, and communicative]) at MTs Ribatul Muta'allimin, Pekalongan.