The Effect of Price Perception, Service, Location on Customer Loyalty with Mediation of Customer Satisfaction on Comal Susukan Pharmacy

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Hendrawan Syahrizal (*)
Suliyanto Suliyanto
Tabrani Tabrani

(*) Corresponding Author


Customer loyalty is very important because it represents a strong commitment from customers to repurchase goods and services. This study aims to determine the effect of price perception, service, and location on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction
as the intervening variable. There were 74 respondents who were customers of Susukan Comal dispensary. The study used a questionnaire with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) data analysis with the help of SmartPLS software. The results of the analysis
conclude that price perception, service, location have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. As well as customer satisfaction can mediate the influence of price perception, service, and location have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. 

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How to Cite
Syahrizal, H., Suliyanto, S., & Tabrani, T. (2024). The Effect of Price Perception, Service, Location on Customer Loyalty with Mediation of Customer Satisfaction on Comal Susukan Pharmacy. Proceeding of Management, Law and Pedagogy, 304–310. Retrieved from