Implementation of Religious Values in Shaping Character for Package a Plus Tahfidz Al Qur'an Learners at PKBM Mutiara Sahabat Tegal
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This paper aims to examine the problem of moral degradation experienced by many students in schools. Brawls, free sex, and narcotics among students are tangible manifestations of school failure in building students' religious character. Basic education has a strategic role in instilling religious values early on in students. The focus of this study includes religious values instilled in elementary/package A schools, strategies for instilling religious values, and obstacles in instilling religious values in schools. Data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation studies at Package A Tahfidz Al Qur'an PKBM Mutiara Shahabat Tegal. The research subjects were the head of the program, class educators, tahfidz educators, parents/guardians of students, and students who were selected purposively. The results showed that religious values instilled in Package A Tahfidz Al
Qur'an PKBM Mutiara Shahabat Tegal include the values of faith, worship, and morals. The cultivation of religious values is integrated into all subjects, school culture, and extracurricular activities. The research also shows that internal and external factors hinder the cultivation of religious values for students.